Natural Family Planning Course (NFP)
coming soon…
This course teaches women to recognize organic signs of fertility (using temperature and texture) commonly known as the sympto-thermal method. This is not the rhythm method which overgeneralizes the female cycle to 28 days.
This method allows women to deeply know their bodies using daily personal signs of fertility to plan and prevent pregnancy without the use of reproductive technologies, hormonal interference, or barrier methods.
Now more than ever, women need to be sovereign from systems of dependency, to know their bodies, and to be attuned to their own fertile potential.
When used properly, the symptothermal method is considered to be over 99% effective at planning and preventing pregnancy, with some sources stating a perfect use effectiveness of around 99.4-99.6%
about our teachers
Jamie Kohanyi
guest facilitator
We believe the widespread dependency upon reproductive and hormonal technologies represent a consequence of a culture disembodied from their creature state and fertility. At this time in our culture, it is critical for women to be sovereign and fully empowered around their natural cycles with the ability to plan and prevent pregnancy.
Our society's stance an abortion can be seen as a grave failure of community and culture to support our most vulnerable bodies - those of women and children - particularly those from impoverished and marginalized communities.
Four Seasons Sisterhood mission is to support a culture that celebrates fertility and supports families through connection and community - therefore we do not offer ceremony prior to elective tubal ligation, sterilization, and elective chemical/surgical abortion.