about us
My name is Jamie Kohanyi and I am the foundress of Four Seasons Sisterhood.
I want to tell you about my dream for my daughters.
I dream of them gratefully receiving their embodiment as a female, knowing their body is an earthen temple of the highest intelligence and imagination.
I want them to know the female journey from menarche through menopause parallels the process of human evolution.
I want them to know themselves as fertile creatures with a seasonal body.
Our cycles demonstrate for humankind the transformational process of
birth, death, and renewal on the personal and planetary scale.
In the woman, the birth-death-renewal cycle finds its parallel process on all levels:
from compost...to...cells...to...Christ Consciousness...to Gaia.
It is every woman's birthright to have full consciousness of their bodies and to understand how the rising or fading of their fertility
is impacting them:
Every stage of our cycle contains a necessary medicine for us and the web of life of which we are part.
An embodied woman completely conscious of her cycle throughout her lifespan is now empowered to harmonize with her world with the highest potential. She is able to attune the demands of her life to the tides of her body.
To further this mission, I have gathered women who have helped me come to know myself and my cycles.
Together, we collectively offer circles, courses, psychotherapy, medicine journeys, dreamwork, art-making, song, dance, ritual, cooking, community, herbal medicine, healing arts, conversation, and prayer.
Welcome sister.
about jamie
My name is Jamie Kohanyi and I meet with the psyche (soul) of those with whom I work through conscious conversation and the engagement of non-ordinary consciousness through dreamwork, active imagination, prayer, art, music and ritual. I've also been trained and certified by Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI) allowing for me to provide legal ketamine assisted psychotherapy in collaboration with Daydream MD.
I received my masters degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute’s Counseling Psychology where my training in mythology, archetypes, and depth psychology benefited from the wisdom of its supporters and founders including Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, James Hillman, and Thomas Moore. I am also honored to hold a certificate from the CG Jung Institute of Los Angeles and The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology founded by psychedelic pioneers Robert Frager and James Fadiman.
From both a depth and transpersonal orientation, suffering commonly called anxiety, depression, addiction, or compulsion all express an unmet want or need that is often buried in the psyche (soul). These unconscious longings reveal themselves in our language, dreams, and images but also through unwanted symptoms. Part of the task of therapy is unearthing these hidden yearnings and discovering ways to integrate these subconscious desires in a whole-some way.
Many significant events in people's lives that lead to upsetting symptoms happened before they had words or were so traumatic and wounding, they couldn't be captured in language. Most of the people I work with come to realize they have been expressing themselves through eating disorders, addictions, and compulsive behaviors until psychotherapy gave them a new way to talk about, tolerate, or transform their experience.
With these limitations of language in mind, I was trained and received a certificate through The Sky Mountain Institute in Expressive Arts Therapy and Ecopsychology which focuses on what creativity and creation have to teach us about ourselves and reality.
My most foundational training in caring for the soul was through music and I have a bachelors degree from Berklee College of Music where my principal instrument was the human voice.
The areas of healing most calling to my attention at this time include maternal wellness, marriage enrichment, body image, eating disorders, and relational trauma.
I am a mother of three and wife to psychotherapist David Kohanyi. I look forward to meeting you.
Jamie Kohanyi M.A., LMFT #83775
3455 Ingraham St. San Diego, CA 92109 619.384.2996 (P)
meet our facilitators
Monet Goode
Coming soon…
Emmett Marsh
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Eleanor Parks
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.